Meet Fae. Fae is a Forrest Yoga teacher here at Corbridge Yoga.
✨When did you start practicing yoga?
In 2012 naively went along to a workshop in Eldon Square, Newcastle on the advice of a friend under the pretence it was for Reiki. What transpired was a three-hour Forrest Yoga class taught by actual Ana Forrest. This was my first experience of yoga, and now I realise fate. The rest, they say, is history.
✨Why do you practice yoga?
Yoga provides a safe space, a structure where I can access both challenge and comfort. It certainly gives me a sense of security, and consistency in an ever-changing world. Yet ironically every time I get on the mat it is different as I am different, and therein lies the challenge; a classic example being dolphin pose.
Also, I love coming to class for the sense of community, with the added bonus of being able to socialise and be around others without the need to use words. It is an energy thing isn’t it.
✨What is your favourite pose?
Currently…. Savasana. I’m learning it is all about the little adjustments you make, and how they can radically alter what looks on the surface to be a very uncomplex pose. I always notice so much at the end of my practice and yet at the same time nothing at all.
✨How do you feel after class?
After teaching I feel a deep appreciation, and reverence for the spiritual support that has held the space. I also feel so much love and respect for the students who have shown up and gone on the journey with me, and also very protective of them.
✨Why did you train to be a teacher?
Because I know it works, it really is that simple, and I want to share the gift that was given to me.
✨Do you have any advice someone who wants to try yoga for the first time?
YES! You will feel self-conscious, hot, overwhelmed, out of sorts, and worried you are sweating more than the other students. HOWEVER, you will also feel supported, grounded, regulated, and loved.
I have so much admiration for the newbies and have never forgotten how hard it was for me. But if you stay with it, it might just change your life.